Aisha Bello is a 21 year old university student, when she needs materials to research her assignment she searches the internet. Wikipedia is her major source of information, but sometimes the results does not provide that local perspective which she desires. “Why can’t we have a local Wikipedia”? she thinks, “with a local wiki I can write about my research and someday someone else, with a local perspective, can develop upon what I have done or we could even work together”. What Aisha needs is CampusWiki.
CampusWiki is a collaborative knowledge management system where a student, group of students, or an institution can showcase their academic works and findings.
CampusWiki is a social tool that incorporates event and group management so that a team can setup a group and schedule events or meet-ups where they can carry out activities relating to their project.
With CampusWiki students can preserve their academic legacy, long after graduation, in a highly available medium which can be referred to as part of an elaborate resume. It eliminates the need of trying to recollect where you kept a copy of that term paper you wrote 5 years ago. With CampusWiki, it is always online and reachable by a web address from any device.
A typical use case of CampusWiki is the documentation of final year projects for graduating student. Students would often put in some of their best efforts which results in breakthrough findings that ends up collecting dust in the shelves, put away almost forever. Sometimes these findings are relevant to industries that would be willing to develop it further.
A project groups can set up a group on CampusWiki and collectively put up a summary of their major findings. Down the lane, when a new group is to work on a similar project, they would have a starting point and would only need to improve on what has been done before. Valuable time is not spent reinventing the wheels.
Contacting the authors of an academic work is made easy by an extensive profile page that integrates their existing online footprint such as social networks.